Call Center Services May Be Perfect for You and You Don't Even Know It

 You may need call call center services and not even know it. Let's say you are an internet based company selling some nutritional or fat reduction product. There are a number of functions a call center could perform for you. First is the obvious customer service related calls. Calls are sent to agents that have been trained extensively on your product and company culture that can handle calls ranging from product questions, orders, to cancellations and refunds. Agents can also be trained to handle all non voice customer service including chat and email.

Call Center Services May Be Perfect for You and You Don't Even Know It
Lead generation is another function they may be able to perform for you. If you are in the mortgage business, alarm service, window replacement, you can benefit greatly. A good company can explode your sales volume if done correctly.

But there is another function they can perform that won't result in an expense to your bottom line, but a revenue generator. All internet companies have people that have showed up at their site but for some reason abandoned their order during the process. That information is captured and is gold waiting to be panned. A company offering call center services with this type of experience can call these abandoned orders and offer them your services, sometimes at a discount. These potential customers have expressed some interest but for whatever reason didn't feel comfortable enough to continue with the sale. 

Depending how strong your follow up offer is, you should be able to convert somewhere between 5-20% to new customers. If you sell a product on the internet, regardless of what it is, you can benefit from calling abandoned sales. If you sell another product, it may give you an opportunity to up sell the second product once the first sale is made. Let's say you call a partial sale for a weight loss product. The representative on the phone makes the sale, captures the credit card data and then proceeds to sell a second product. Maybe you have a second product that is a colon cleanse product. You can offer them a free trial and then start billing them after a short period of time. You should be able to sell 50% of the up sell or second product, maximizing the revenue you can earn per new customer.

If you have an internet based company, stop and think for a second if there are partial sales that you can call back. If you do, it could be a huge boost in revenue for you. If you decide to outsource your call center services make sure you find the right partner. It can be the difference between success and failure.

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